ways to donate
Click And Pledge
Our primary mechanism for giving currently is through Click And Pledge. Simply click the Donate button to open a new tab on Click And Pledge. Then fill out the form, select your preferred fund (see Funds below), and submit.
Disable VPN: For legal reasons, Click And Pledge does not allow donations when a VPN is active. If you use a VPN, you will need to disable it while you enter your submission on Click And Pledge.
Contact Donor Services
Contact Donor Services at our parent institute, the Institute of Lutheran Theology, either by calling our office at (605) 692-9337 or by sending a message on our contact form.
Canadian Giving
ILT-Canada Society (ILT-CS) is a non-profit organization in Canada. Canadian individuals and donors can send donations to ILT-CS and receive the regular tax benefit. ILT’s student body is about 15% Canadian and funds sent to ILT-CS are used to support the education of Canadian students.
For more information and/or to donate, please contact:
Grace Lutheran Church
1162 Hudson Road | West Kelowna, BC V1Z 1J3
Email: ed.skutshek@gracelutherankelowna.com
Call: 250-801-3860
Christ School of Theology Annual Fund
You can donate directly to the Christ School of Theology. Funds selected specifically for CST may be put toward anything CST needs to further its work, (other than financial aid) whether it be operating expenses, teaching materials, research, or CST events. Your gift ensures that the Christ School of Theology can continue doing what it does: fostering a truly global academic community with an unwavering dedication to the Christian faith from a Reformational perspective.
Christ School of Theology Financial Aid Fund
Funds going to the Christ School of Theology Financial Aid Fund will go directly to aiding CST students with tuition. Many CST students are working as pastors, others may be interns, others yet may be looking to build a second career but do not have funds for graduate school when their priority must lie with their families. It is CST’s policy that money should never be the reason some one does not study with us; nevertheless, funding tuition is a reality that all CST students are mindful of. Please give to the Christ School of Theology Financial Aid Fund so that our students can focus on their studies, research, and service to God’s church instead of on finances.
Make a Difference
Funds at the Institute of Lutheran Theology
As the Christ School of Theology’s parent organization, funds going to the Institute of Lutheran Theology will definitely benefit the Christ School of Theology whether directly or indirectly. We welcome and encourage donations to any of these funds at ILT.
Annual Fund
The Annual Fund supports ILT in its daily operating expenses and resource needs. While this fund does not go to tuition (as the Financial Aid Fund does), it covers administrative costs, helping ILT institutions keep tuition fees down. When you donate to the Annual Fund, ILT is given the resources needed to provide the best education possible for all ILT students whether at Christ College or the Christ School of Theology.
Financial Aid Fund
ILT offers tuition credits to students who have financial need. Many students are working to support their family while taking classes at ILT, which can put a tremendous financial strain on families. Some are interns and unable to put in the hours to meet their needs. If you donate to the Financial Aid Fund, ILT students who have financial need receive your support directly. Your gift also helps students graduate earlier by being able to take additional classes rather than waiting. Funds given to the ILT Financial Aid Fund could go to Christ School of Theology students or Christ College students.
International Partners Fund
ILT Endowment Fund
ILT is a member of the South Dakota Community Foundation, having received an initial donation of $5000 for the establishment of an ILT Endowment Fund. Contributions to the Endowment Fund can be used to support ILT or our students in many ways, including directing additional financial resources to the other ILT funds as needed. Thus, donations to this fund can purchase resources for the library, cover operating expenses, support the needs of international partners, pay for students’ work study opportunities, or bolster ILT’s capacity to give financial aid. We are grateful for our generous donors, their assistance in the launch of ILT’s Endowment Fund, and their commitment to the further success of ILT and its mission. A donor can donate to the Endowment Fund through Click and Pledge, or directly through the SD Community Foundation website. When a donor gives to the Endowment Fund, the future of ILT becomes more secure.
Library Fund
As a global, reformational, theological and educational endeavor, ILT is continually in need of purchasing resources to support students in their studies. As new programs of study commence, new resources are needed to support them. When you donate to the Library Fund, the books and online resources needed for our students to face the challenges of ministering and teaching in our secular age will be there for them.
We ask you to prayerfully consider contributing to the future of the Christ School of Theology and ILT.
To make a donation, please click the button below or contact Donor Services